A letter for Santa
Believed or not. Honestly, I still liked writing letter to Santa when I was in 3rd grade of junior high school :D while actually I knew that Santa was not real. It's just becoming a habit. On Christmas eve, I sat in front of the Christmas tree, reading books about Christmas, listening to Christmas carols, then made a wish. I thought my wish was always answered. I wished for common things. I remember the last one. My plastic Christmas tree was broken. We couldn't afford to buy a new one. Besides, I lived alone in Rama.
Mudji, remember when we cut the peak of a pine tree in front of YPPI at dawn? Wakakaka (don't do this). The people who were passing by must be confused because the pine tree had lost its peak. Hihihi
Then, on the Christmas eve, I wrote a letter to Santa. "Santa, I hope I can have some Christmas lights next year, so that it'll twinkle. I promise in the next two years I'll earn some money to buy the Christmas lights because at that time I'll be in senior high school." Then, at 12 in the midnight, I prayed and made a wish. Not to Santa of course, but to our Lord. The wish was more or less the same. It's answered although it's almost late.
The next year, I put up a Christmas tree. It was made of a carton paper. I didn't want to cut another pine tree that was not mine. I felt embarrased about it. I couldn't afford to buy a pine tree. I also put a sheet of cotton. The size was about 50 x 150 cm. I put some small dolls. It's Christmas, so it must be snowing. I lighted some candles for the light. There was a manger too. The baby Jesus was a small sleeping doll made of wax that people usually used for 'manye' celebration (a month after a baby was born, people usually send cakes with this baby doll on the cake). Now, the baby doll is made of plastic. A green soldier toy became Joseph. Y☺u can imagine, the baby was even bigger than the tiny Joseph. For Mary, I had one ceramic doll of kneeling Mary. So, it looked just like Mary. In fact, we know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem and there was no snow at that time. As the wise men, I used Guffy, Donald Duck, and Superman dolls.
Back to the Christmas lights. One day, my grandma came to visit me. She lived nearby. She brought me some 'nastar' cookies. Maybe she knew that I lived alone in Rama. I lived by myself in Rama, because I wanted to learn to stand alone. Actually, I was not alone. Many mice accompanied me in the beginning. Grandma brought me some cookies for Christmas. I remember she said, "the sheep is very ugly, like a monster," pointing at one godzilla rubber toy that I got from a chiky snack pack. I had many of this kind. So, I used them as a group of sheep. Before grandma went home, she told me to be careful with the candles, in case of fire. I obeyed her. I blew out the candles and turned on the light. But I was naughty. Soon after she went home, I turned off the light and I lighted the candles and played again with my Christmas dolls version. The dim light seemed to give more impression. I could stay all day like that. I could sing alone until I almost lost my voice. Not long after grandma went home, I wrote another letter to Santa. "Santa, why you haven't answered my wish? I've asked for Christmas lights for this year's Christmas. Do I make any mistakes? I just ask ot for this year. I promise when I'm in senior high school, I'll buy one by myself. At that time, I'll be grown up and won't ask for anything to Santa anymore." (that's some part of my letter to Santa). I ate the nastar cookies while I was writing the letter. They tasted good :)
Then, someone knocked on the door. I didn't know that it was grandma, so I didn't blow out the candles. Hihihi. It was grandma, and she brought a set of Christmas lights. "You see, I've thought you might be disobedient. So, I've bought you the Christmas lights. But you must blow out the candles." Until the end of her life, grandma has become a very careful person about the house safety. Sometimes she was exaggerated.
Finally, my Christmas tree and my Christmas dolls version became complete with the twinkle lights. I blew out the candles, feeling grateful. I still do the habit of blowing out candles until now. Three times a year: on birthday, Christmas, and New Year's eve. I blow out the candle alone and prayed. My friends and my family know about this habit, especially on new year's eve. While other people blow the trumpets an shout happy new year, I choose to go up to the roof or hide in a security guard post, where I can stay alone to make a wish, blow out the candle an pray.
I also have the habit of buying new Christmas lights every year, although the old one is still good. I give the old one to my friends or to the orphanage. I also keep some. Even last year, I used three sets of Christmas lights. I keep the lights because it was a gift from my friend and I won't give it to anyone. When there are some kids who cannot buy some Christmas lights to decorate their
Christmas tree, I'll give them mine. As long as I can afford it. I'm not Santa hihihi. But I don't write letters to Santa any longer. I'm a senior high school student now...ups... I'm too old now. Hihihi, GBU
Believed or not. Jujur aku sampai kelas 3 smp masih suka nulis surat buat santa. :D Padahal sudah tahu kalau Santa itu not real. Hanya saja sudah jadi kebiasaan kalau malam natal diam di depan pohon natal. Baca buku tentang natal. Dengerin lagu natal. Terus make a wish sendiri. Perasaan sih selalu terkabul. Tapi ya permintaannya juga yang wajar-wajar saja. Yang aku ingat yang terakhir. Pohon natal plastik aku rusak. Kami tak punya uang buat beli yang baru. Lagi pula aku sudah tinggal sendiri di rumah Rama. Oh ya, Mudji ! Ingat ga dulu kita potong pohon puncak cemara di depan YPPI subuh-subuh? Wakakak (jangan ditiru ya !) Orang yang lewat pasti bingung. Kenapa itu cemara puncaknya terpapas. Hihihihi. Lalu malam natalnya aku tulis surat buat santa. Santa aku tahun depan mau punya lampu natal. Biar ada gurileup-gurileupnya gitu. Aku janji kalo 2 2 tahun ke depan aku mau cari uang sendiri buat beli lampu natal. Kan 2 taun lagi aku dah sma. Terus begitu teng jam 12 aku berdoa and make a wish. Bukan ke santa tentunya. :) Tapi ke Tuhan kita. Permintaanya pun sedikit banyak sama . Ya terkabul juga akhirnya. Walau waktunya mepeeet bangeth. Tahun depannya memang aku pasang pohon natal. Tapi aku buat dari kertas karton. Aku ga mau lagi potong pohon cemara di yang bukan milikku. Malu ah. Dan belum mampu juga untuk beli pohon cemara. Tapi di samping pohon natal karton itu aku tebarin kapas ukuran sekitar 50x150cm. Terus aku pajang boneka kecil-kecil. Ceritanya suasana natal. Jadi kan bersalju. Aku pasang lilin buat penerangannya. Ada palungannya. Yang jadi Yesusnya boneka bayi lagi tidur yang biasa buat hiasan kue manye, selamatan bayi itu. Dulu masih terbuat dari lilin. Kalau sekarang sih dah dari plastik ya. Yang jadi Yusufnya tentara-tentaraan dari plastik yang warna hijau. Kebayang kan bayinya segede apa. Yusufnya imut. :D Kalau Marianya aku kebetulan punya patung keramiknya lagi berlutut. Jadi ga terlalu jauh beda. Padahal kan yang kita tahu Yesus itu lahir di palungan di Bethlehem yang tidak bersalju ya. Hihihi. Terus yang jadi orang Majusnya boneka Gufy, Donald Duck sama Superman. Dooh !!! Hmmm kembali ke soal lampu natal. Kebetulan Oma aku berkunjung ke rumah. Kebetulan rumah kami berdekatan. Oma bawakan aku nastar. Mungkin beliau tahu aku sendirian di rumah Rama. Aku sudah tinggal sendiri di rumah itu. Belajar mandiri ceritanya. Padahal aku tidak sendiri. Rumah itu awalnya banyak tikusnya. Hiiii. Jadi oma bawain aku kue buat natalan. Aku ingat beliau bilang gini : " kok dombanya jelek amat. Mirip monster" Sambil tunjuk salah satu boneka karet godzilla. Wakakakak. Memang itu godzilla karet hadiah kalau kita beli Chicky Snack. :D Karena ada banyak jadi ceritanya itu segerombolan domba. Sebelum pulang, Oma bilang hati-hati kalau menyalakan lilin. Nanti terbakar. Matikan saja. Ya aku menurut. Aku nyalain lampu ruangan. Bandelnya begitu oma pulang, aku matikan lagi lampu. Terus nyalakan lagi lilin sambil bermain-main dengan boneka natal versi aku. Suasana redup sepertinya lebih berkesan. Bisa seharian aku duduk disitu. Nyanyi sendiri sampai suara parau pun aku kuat. Tak lama oma pulang, aku tulis lagi buat santa. Santa kenapa ga jawab permintaan aku? Aku kan minta lampu natal buat tahun ini. Apa aku punya salah? Padahal kan aku cuma minta buat tahun ini. Aku kan dah janji kalo sudah sma taun depan aku mau beli sendiri. Kan udah gede. Aku ga boleh minta lagi ke santa. (itu sekelumit surat aku buat santa) Oh ia. Sambil tulis surat aku sambil ngemil nastar dari oma juga. Uenaaaak tenan. :) Tak lama kemudian. Tok tok tok. Pintu diketuk. Aku ga berpikir itu Oma, jadi aku ya ga matiin lilin. Hihihi. Ternyata yang datang oma sambil bawa 1 set lampu natal. "Tuh kan. Oma pikir pasti kamu bandel. Ini oma belikan lampu natal" Tapi lilinnya matikan ya. Sampai akhir hayatnya oma memang seorang yang sangat berhati-hati soal keamanan rumah. Kadang malah lebay. Hihihi. Akhirnya pohon natal dan boneka natal versi aku komplit sudah dengan lampu yang berkelap kelip. Lilin aku tiup sambil aku ucapkan terima kasih. Dan kebiasaan meniup lilin aku masih lakukan sampai sekarang. 1 tahun 3 kali. Saat ultah, natal dan tahun baru. Biasanya aku tiup sendirian sambil berdoa. Karena itu teman dan saudaraku sudah pada tahu. Apalagi saat tahun baru. Pas detik- detik menjelang tahun baru aku pasti menghilang. Yang lain tiup terompet sambil berteriak happy new year, aku memilih naik ke atas genteng lah, ngumpet di pos satpam lah. Yang penting sepi sendiri supaya bisa make a wish and tiup lilin sambil berdoa.Kebiasaan membeli lampu Natal tiap tahun pun berlangsung sampai sekarang dari aku kelas 1 sma. Biar yang tahun lalu masih bagus, pokoknya aku harus beli yang baru. Yang lama aku kasih ke teman, panti asuhan, sebagian aku simpan juga. Bahkan tahun lalu kalau ga salah 1 pohon aku pakai 3 set sekaligus. :D Maklum, soalnya itu pemberian jadi aku ga akan kasih ke siapa pun. Tapi kalau ada anak-anak tak mampu yang mau pohon natalnya dihiasi lampu natal, aku dengan senang hati mau kasih. Semampuku ya. :) Aku kan bukan santa. Hihihi. Hanya saja kebiasaan menulis surat untuk santa sudah tak lagi aku lakukan. AKU KAN SUDAH SMA eh...... dah tua kali ya kalau sekarang. Hihihihi GBU

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Mudji, remember when we cut the peak of a pine tree in front of YPPI at dawn? Wakakaka (don't do this). The people who were passing by must be confused because the pine tree had lost its peak. Hihihi
Then, on the Christmas eve, I wrote a letter to Santa. "Santa, I hope I can have some Christmas lights next year, so that it'll twinkle. I promise in the next two years I'll earn some money to buy the Christmas lights because at that time I'll be in senior high school." Then, at 12 in the midnight, I prayed and made a wish. Not to Santa of course, but to our Lord. The wish was more or less the same. It's answered although it's almost late.
The next year, I put up a Christmas tree. It was made of a carton paper. I didn't want to cut another pine tree that was not mine. I felt embarrased about it. I couldn't afford to buy a pine tree. I also put a sheet of cotton. The size was about 50 x 150 cm. I put some small dolls. It's Christmas, so it must be snowing. I lighted some candles for the light. There was a manger too. The baby Jesus was a small sleeping doll made of wax that people usually used for 'manye' celebration (a month after a baby was born, people usually send cakes with this baby doll on the cake). Now, the baby doll is made of plastic. A green soldier toy became Joseph. Y☺u can imagine, the baby was even bigger than the tiny Joseph. For Mary, I had one ceramic doll of kneeling Mary. So, it looked just like Mary. In fact, we know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem and there was no snow at that time. As the wise men, I used Guffy, Donald Duck, and Superman dolls.
Back to the Christmas lights. One day, my grandma came to visit me. She lived nearby. She brought me some 'nastar' cookies. Maybe she knew that I lived alone in Rama. I lived by myself in Rama, because I wanted to learn to stand alone. Actually, I was not alone. Many mice accompanied me in the beginning. Grandma brought me some cookies for Christmas. I remember she said, "the sheep is very ugly, like a monster," pointing at one godzilla rubber toy that I got from a chiky snack pack. I had many of this kind. So, I used them as a group of sheep. Before grandma went home, she told me to be careful with the candles, in case of fire. I obeyed her. I blew out the candles and turned on the light. But I was naughty. Soon after she went home, I turned off the light and I lighted the candles and played again with my Christmas dolls version. The dim light seemed to give more impression. I could stay all day like that. I could sing alone until I almost lost my voice. Not long after grandma went home, I wrote another letter to Santa. "Santa, why you haven't answered my wish? I've asked for Christmas lights for this year's Christmas. Do I make any mistakes? I just ask ot for this year. I promise when I'm in senior high school, I'll buy one by myself. At that time, I'll be grown up and won't ask for anything to Santa anymore." (that's some part of my letter to Santa). I ate the nastar cookies while I was writing the letter. They tasted good :)
Then, someone knocked on the door. I didn't know that it was grandma, so I didn't blow out the candles. Hihihi. It was grandma, and she brought a set of Christmas lights. "You see, I've thought you might be disobedient. So, I've bought you the Christmas lights. But you must blow out the candles." Until the end of her life, grandma has become a very careful person about the house safety. Sometimes she was exaggerated.
Finally, my Christmas tree and my Christmas dolls version became complete with the twinkle lights. I blew out the candles, feeling grateful. I still do the habit of blowing out candles until now. Three times a year: on birthday, Christmas, and New Year's eve. I blow out the candle alone and prayed. My friends and my family know about this habit, especially on new year's eve. While other people blow the trumpets an shout happy new year, I choose to go up to the roof or hide in a security guard post, where I can stay alone to make a wish, blow out the candle an pray.
I also have the habit of buying new Christmas lights every year, although the old one is still good. I give the old one to my friends or to the orphanage. I also keep some. Even last year, I used three sets of Christmas lights. I keep the lights because it was a gift from my friend and I won't give it to anyone. When there are some kids who cannot buy some Christmas lights to decorate their
Christmas tree, I'll give them mine. As long as I can afford it. I'm not Santa hihihi. But I don't write letters to Santa any longer. I'm a senior high school student now...ups... I'm too old now. Hihihi, GBU
Believed or not. Jujur aku sampai kelas 3 smp masih suka nulis surat buat santa. :D Padahal sudah tahu kalau Santa itu not real. Hanya saja sudah jadi kebiasaan kalau malam natal diam di depan pohon natal. Baca buku tentang natal. Dengerin lagu natal. Terus make a wish sendiri. Perasaan sih selalu terkabul. Tapi ya permintaannya juga yang wajar-wajar saja. Yang aku ingat yang terakhir. Pohon natal plastik aku rusak. Kami tak punya uang buat beli yang baru. Lagi pula aku sudah tinggal sendiri di rumah Rama. Oh ya, Mudji ! Ingat ga dulu kita potong pohon puncak cemara di depan YPPI subuh-subuh? Wakakak (jangan ditiru ya !) Orang yang lewat pasti bingung. Kenapa itu cemara puncaknya terpapas. Hihihihi. Lalu malam natalnya aku tulis surat buat santa. Santa aku tahun depan mau punya lampu natal. Biar ada gurileup-gurileupnya gitu. Aku janji kalo 2 2 tahun ke depan aku mau cari uang sendiri buat beli lampu natal. Kan 2 taun lagi aku dah sma. Terus begitu teng jam 12 aku berdoa and make a wish. Bukan ke santa tentunya. :) Tapi ke Tuhan kita. Permintaanya pun sedikit banyak sama . Ya terkabul juga akhirnya. Walau waktunya mepeeet bangeth. Tahun depannya memang aku pasang pohon natal. Tapi aku buat dari kertas karton. Aku ga mau lagi potong pohon cemara di yang bukan milikku. Malu ah. Dan belum mampu juga untuk beli pohon cemara. Tapi di samping pohon natal karton itu aku tebarin kapas ukuran sekitar 50x150cm. Terus aku pajang boneka kecil-kecil. Ceritanya suasana natal. Jadi kan bersalju. Aku pasang lilin buat penerangannya. Ada palungannya. Yang jadi Yesusnya boneka bayi lagi tidur yang biasa buat hiasan kue manye, selamatan bayi itu. Dulu masih terbuat dari lilin. Kalau sekarang sih dah dari plastik ya. Yang jadi Yusufnya tentara-tentaraan dari plastik yang warna hijau. Kebayang kan bayinya segede apa. Yusufnya imut. :D Kalau Marianya aku kebetulan punya patung keramiknya lagi berlutut. Jadi ga terlalu jauh beda. Padahal kan yang kita tahu Yesus itu lahir di palungan di Bethlehem yang tidak bersalju ya. Hihihi. Terus yang jadi orang Majusnya boneka Gufy, Donald Duck sama Superman. Dooh !!! Hmmm kembali ke soal lampu natal. Kebetulan Oma aku berkunjung ke rumah. Kebetulan rumah kami berdekatan. Oma bawakan aku nastar. Mungkin beliau tahu aku sendirian di rumah Rama. Aku sudah tinggal sendiri di rumah itu. Belajar mandiri ceritanya. Padahal aku tidak sendiri. Rumah itu awalnya banyak tikusnya. Hiiii. Jadi oma bawain aku kue buat natalan. Aku ingat beliau bilang gini : " kok dombanya jelek amat. Mirip monster" Sambil tunjuk salah satu boneka karet godzilla. Wakakakak. Memang itu godzilla karet hadiah kalau kita beli Chicky Snack. :D Karena ada banyak jadi ceritanya itu segerombolan domba. Sebelum pulang, Oma bilang hati-hati kalau menyalakan lilin. Nanti terbakar. Matikan saja. Ya aku menurut. Aku nyalain lampu ruangan. Bandelnya begitu oma pulang, aku matikan lagi lampu. Terus nyalakan lagi lilin sambil bermain-main dengan boneka natal versi aku. Suasana redup sepertinya lebih berkesan. Bisa seharian aku duduk disitu. Nyanyi sendiri sampai suara parau pun aku kuat. Tak lama oma pulang, aku tulis lagi buat santa. Santa kenapa ga jawab permintaan aku? Aku kan minta lampu natal buat tahun ini. Apa aku punya salah? Padahal kan aku cuma minta buat tahun ini. Aku kan dah janji kalo sudah sma taun depan aku mau beli sendiri. Kan udah gede. Aku ga boleh minta lagi ke santa. (itu sekelumit surat aku buat santa) Oh ia. Sambil tulis surat aku sambil ngemil nastar dari oma juga. Uenaaaak tenan. :) Tak lama kemudian. Tok tok tok. Pintu diketuk. Aku ga berpikir itu Oma, jadi aku ya ga matiin lilin. Hihihi. Ternyata yang datang oma sambil bawa 1 set lampu natal. "Tuh kan. Oma pikir pasti kamu bandel. Ini oma belikan lampu natal" Tapi lilinnya matikan ya. Sampai akhir hayatnya oma memang seorang yang sangat berhati-hati soal keamanan rumah. Kadang malah lebay. Hihihi. Akhirnya pohon natal dan boneka natal versi aku komplit sudah dengan lampu yang berkelap kelip. Lilin aku tiup sambil aku ucapkan terima kasih. Dan kebiasaan meniup lilin aku masih lakukan sampai sekarang. 1 tahun 3 kali. Saat ultah, natal dan tahun baru. Biasanya aku tiup sendirian sambil berdoa. Karena itu teman dan saudaraku sudah pada tahu. Apalagi saat tahun baru. Pas detik- detik menjelang tahun baru aku pasti menghilang. Yang lain tiup terompet sambil berteriak happy new year, aku memilih naik ke atas genteng lah, ngumpet di pos satpam lah. Yang penting sepi sendiri supaya bisa make a wish and tiup lilin sambil berdoa.Kebiasaan membeli lampu Natal tiap tahun pun berlangsung sampai sekarang dari aku kelas 1 sma. Biar yang tahun lalu masih bagus, pokoknya aku harus beli yang baru. Yang lama aku kasih ke teman, panti asuhan, sebagian aku simpan juga. Bahkan tahun lalu kalau ga salah 1 pohon aku pakai 3 set sekaligus. :D Maklum, soalnya itu pemberian jadi aku ga akan kasih ke siapa pun. Tapi kalau ada anak-anak tak mampu yang mau pohon natalnya dihiasi lampu natal, aku dengan senang hati mau kasih. Semampuku ya. :) Aku kan bukan santa. Hihihi. Hanya saja kebiasaan menulis surat untuk santa sudah tak lagi aku lakukan. AKU KAN SUDAH SMA eh...... dah tua kali ya kalau sekarang. Hihihihi GBU
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If you said you love christmas. I said I love you